We believe that God sent his son Jesus, not to condemn us but to save us, because he loves us (John 3:16-17).

We meet every Sunday at 10am to encourage each other, get to know each other, and challenge each other. At these meetings we generally sing, pray, read the Bible, and learn/think through what we read. We try and apply what we learn to our everyday lives.

We are trying to follow the example of Jesus in the way we relate to others. We want to learn to love more and serve others more.

We hope you’ll enjoy your visit with us if you come along on Sunday!

What we believe at Ryde Presbyterian Church.

RPC belongs to a group of Churches called the Presbyterian Church of Australia. More importantly, we see ourselves as being a part of the worldwide church that is made up of the followers of Jesus Christ.

We believe the Bible contains all the facts we need in order to understand who God is and who we are in relation to him, as well as the information we need to enter into a positive relationship with God; so the Bible is very important to us. Of even greater importance is the reconciled relationship that we can have with God, through his son Jesus. The Bible tells us that God loves us so much that he sent his only son to die for us, so that if we believe in him we will have life with God forever (John 3:16).

From the Welcome page:
At Ryde Presbyterian Church we are trying to follow an amazing God who has done wonderful things through His son Jesus, and who continues to transform us by His Spirit and His love.

We don’t want to keep it all to ourselves either – we hope that we can each play our part in encouraging all people, in love, to grow closer to Jesus; To know him and the hope and freedom he brings.

Anyone is welcome to come along – you certainly don’t need to consider yourself a Christian. We’re a group of people of different ages and cultural backgrounds, which I guess reflects the community we’re in.

The main time we meet is from 10:00am on Sundays, but there are also other regular times and activities that you can find out about here.

Information about upcoming events will be added to the news page. Also, our Facebook page is a good place to stay updated on the latest goings-on.

Feel free to have a look around the site, and please contact us if you have any questions.

ryde presbyterian church